جمعه ۰۸ فروردین ۱۴۰۴ – Friday 28 March 2025

ساعت: ۱۵:۳۹

The CEO of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding

Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding is the First Iranian Export-Oriented Refinery

Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding is the first refinery in Iran that produces its products based on an export-oriented policy

Rahbord Energy: The CEO of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding said on the sidelines of the 28th International Tehran Oil and Gas Exhibition that the exchange of know-how between Iranian companies and foreign ones as well as the presentation of domestic products by Iranian firms as the most important achievements of the exhibition.

Dr. Mohsen Ghadiri said Isfahan Petro-Refinery is considered the first Iranian refinery that is capable of online analysis of the environmental data of its furnaces. He said through the efforts of Iranian talents, domestically-made products and new methods, the furnaces have been transformed to knowledge-based models. He said these new changes have helped Isfahan refinery reduce its pollution to levels even below the standards of Iran and the United States.

He further noted that Isfahan Petrorefinery Holding is now joining 500 top international firms and turning into one of the top 10 refineries in the world. He said the company has gained important knowledge-based achievements which include online environmental data analysis with the help of artificial intelligence. This helps inform the public in a transparent

way and that’s why the company is striving to achieve international standards to increase profitability.


Isfahan Petro-Refinery attentive to modern technologies, efforts of Iranian talents and environmental products

 Ghadiri described increase in profitability as one of the most important achievements of the company. This, he said, was a response to the trust put into the company by the shareholders. He further added that the company is now joining the top 500 international firms and global top10  refineries. That’s because the company is moving in value chains. Ghadiri further said that in order to achieve top results, plannings have been made to reach this vision. He added that implementation of projects worth 6.2bn euros is underway. which has made good progress. In order to achieve that aim, it’s been tried to provide all the necessary equipment parts domestically. Ghadiri said that domestic production with a priority of Iranian firms is on agenda.


Pollution levels of Isfahan refinery is below standard levels of Iran & the USA

Ghadiri elaborated on the number of knowledge-based firms in the holding and said currently Masha’al Pouya is producing batteries for electric cars, solar energy inverters and Iranian control systems. He added that system controls were not available due to U.S. sanction. This, he said, has encouraged Iranian experts to produce that internally. The first system control will be inaugurated in the KHT unit, managed by female experts, by the end of next month.

Ghadiri added that the company has managed to produce the best EDCS software through reverse engineering. This, he said, has helped overhaul Isfahan refinery, which is considered an old refinery. Nearly 150 knowledge-based firms are working for Masha’al Pouya in the oil and energy sector. Ghadiri also added that Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding is helping knowledge-based firms by financing idea conception, designing and purchase of products. He said DCLS control systems manufactured by several knowledge-based firms working for Masha’al Pouya will be produced under the brand name “Shahin”.


Furnace data analysis made available to people

The CEO Isfahan Petrorefinery Holding also said that furnace data analysis is carried out with the help of artificial intelligence for environmental purposes. He also said that the people of Iran can have online access to the data and recognize the fact that Isfahan refinery is not pollutive. According to Ghadiri, the pollution level of Isfahan Petro-Refinery is much lower than that of EP in the United States and all the furnaces of the refinery are environmentally friendly. He further said that the pollution created by the refinery is 0.01% in Isfahan city and 0.02 in Isfahan Province.


Valuable projects of Isfahan Petrorefinery Holding

Ghadiri also noted that 460 projects of the holding are totally environment-friendly and their implementation will bring the holding closer to international standards. He also pointed out that being among 500 top international firms is proof that all standards with regard to the environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR), job creation and domestic production have been fulfilled. This, he said, is a source of pride for Iran and Iranians. Ghadiri said that the success of the holding is made thanks to the talents of young Iranians who once yearned to work abroad but are currently employed in sub-companies of Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding and make contributions to Iran’s economy and its production.

He described the holding’s performance last year as excellent and said in 2021-2022 the earning of the holding was 16 thousand billion tomans. This amount reached 36 thousand billion tomans the year after that and in 2023-2024, despite a rise the feedstock prices, the earnings reached 40 thousand billions. It’s hoped that the amount will quadruple in the period of to 2026-2028 by finalizing the implementation of projects.


Iran’s petrochemical industry moving toward value chains

With regards to the perspectives of the holding and envisaged policies of the petrochemical industry Ghadiri added that the industry is moving in value chains. All the petrochemical products, including LPG, vacuum bottom, kerosene, gasoline, sulfur and solvents are produced according to value chains. He said that Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding is the first refinery in Iran that produces its products based on an export-oriented policy. In the first year of its operation the export of the holding was $13mn. This amount has now reached $100mn. Most of the products of Isfahan refinery will be export-oriented in the future. He said that fatty alcohol produced by the Petro-Refiney is the first of its kind produced in Iran. Furthermore, he referred to the production of sulfate and phosphate chemical fertilizers as another achievement of the Isfahan Petro-Refinery and said instead of being imported, they will be completely domestically produced within the next two years.


The cost price of most equipment in Isfahan Petro-Refinery Holding lower compared to 12 years ago despite inflation

The CEO of Isfahan Petro-Refinery added that based on law, 60% of the gained profits will be distributed among shareholders and the rest will be invested in projects for their completion. According to plans, the cost of products have decreased up to 40% and the cost price for most of the needed equipment are lower compared to 12 years ago despite hyperinflation. He said with new methods such as EPCN, project costs will decrease significantly which is a new completely new achievement in Iran. According to surveys, a 94% satisfaction has been registered for 60% activities of the holding.

On the issue of the provision of the required electricity of Isfahan refinery, Ghadiri added the completion of a 1000 megawatt solar power plant in a 2000-hectare area is actively pursued to supply the necessary power and energy of the refinery. With the inauguration of this power plant a great contribution will be made to the protection of the environment and the fulfillment of social responsibility. According to Ghadiri, the construction of a wind power plant is high on the agenda for the completion of the national power grid. This, he said, is the realization of “Yes, We can!” slogan which is being implemented by young Iranian experts and technicians.


  Isfahan Petro-Refinery main approaches on the path of economic development 

On the issue of managerial changes, Ghadiri said 150 managers have so far been dismissed and replaced with young forces. He described lack of motivation as the reason for the replacement. He also said the completion of infrastructure is being implemented in such a way so that it does get affected by changes at the managerial level. He described making a contribution in the economic development, motivation and responsibility fulfillment as the three main approaches of the holding. This, he said, is the reason why the holding has managed to obtain the 1st rank among various administrative offices in terms of knowledge management, risk management and security department.


 We need to go ahead with modern technologies so achieve success

Ghadiri also added that the holding is using artificial intelligence in various administrative stages (departments) such as public relations, education and production. He said the world is changing and it is necessary to move ahead with modern technologies in order to achieve success. He said the livelihood of Iranian families must have top priority and that’s the approach the Holding has taken. Ghadiri added that in the past year, the holding has managed to create 6 knowledge-based companies with young Iranian talents. According to Ghadiri, the provision of 600 highly-skilled managers is the next target. He said there’s no dead-end in management science. He concluded by saying that the holding is doomed to failure if it goes ahead with a traditional mentality in management.

Source: EORC Public & International Affairs DePartment

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